What is Kambo cleanse ceremony?

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What is Kambo?

The Kambo ceremony is a traditional practice that has been used in Amazonian tribes for centuries. The secretion of the Amazon tree frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor, is harvested to make Kambo, which is then applied to the body through several small burns. The initial experience is often intense and can involve increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, and incontinence, lasting for 30 to 40 minutes.

Despite its traditional use, the effects of Kambo have not been extensively studied through randomized controlled trials. However, various active peptides found in the frog venom have been the subject of numerous studies, which have investigated the potential health benefits of Kambo. These studies suggest that Kambo may have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immune-modulating properties, among others.

It is important to note that Kambo should only be used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, and that individuals with certain medical conditions should avoid using Kambo. It is also essential to understand that there is still much that is unknown about the effects and safety of Kambo, and more research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and risks

Shamanic understanding of Kambo.
The Frog medicine:

Kambo is a powerful Amazonian practice that is used to enhance the immune system, cleanse the body, and provide various health benefits. This substance is derived from the poisonous secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor or "Two-Colored Leaf Guardian" frog, also known as the "Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog."

Indigenous tribes in the Amazon Rainforest use Kambo for various purposes, including gaining strength, building immunity, curing illnesses, and removing bad luck. It is considered a deep cleansing therapy, both physically, emotionally, and mentally. It has the ability to detoxify the liver and intestines, improve mental functioning, and dissolve emotional blocks. Additionally, it helps to reset our cellular memory.

In traditional use, Kambo is also used to ward off enemies, overcome laziness, sadness, mental and physical weakness, low self-esteem, and disharmony with nature. It is known to bring happiness, luck, and unblock the heart chakra.

While the use of Kambo in traditional ceremonies has not been studied in randomized controlled trials, various active peptides found in the frog venom have been investigated for their potential health benefits.

Scientific understanding of Kambo effects:

Components of Kambo Venom:
The Kambo venom contains several active peptides including:
phyllocaerulein, phyllomedusin, phyllokinin, sauvagine, dermaseptins, adenoregulin, deltorphin, and

Mechanism of Action:
Each of the peptides in Kambo has a unique effect on the body. The following is a brief overview of how each peptide works:

  1. Phyllocaerulein: This peptide stimulates gut flow, stomach acid secretion, and lowers blood pressure.
  2. Phyllomedusin and Phyllokinin: These peptides contract the gut and lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Phyllomedusin also affects consciousness and behavior.
  3. Sauvagine: This peptide stimulates the adrenals and dopamine release and acts as a depressant in the brain.
  4. Dermaseptin B2: This peptide fights microbes and may have anti-cancer properties.
  5. Adenoregulin: This peptide affects the activity of important neurotransmitters and compounds, including adenosine, adrenaline, and serotonin, and is responsible for the initial listlessness and intense "flight or fight" response.
  6. Deltorphins and Dermorphin: These peptides act as opioids to relieve pain and induce euphoria.
Kambo venom contains several active peptides that have diverse effects on the body. The mechanism of action of each peptide is different, but they all contribute to the overall benefits of Kambo in the body

Health Benefits of Kambo:

  1. Kambo Cleanse: The intense purgatory effects of Kambo, including vomiting and diarrhea, are believed to remove toxins from the body. The effect is likely due to several peptides present in Kambo, including phylloceruelean, phyllomedusin, and sauvagine, which increase acid production in the stomach, contract the small intestine, and stimulate pancreas activity.
  2. Kambo for Stress and Anxiety: Studies have shown that Kambo can improve mood and relieve stress and anxiety. The peptide dermorphin reduced cortisol levels, a stress hormone, in human subjects and decreased pain and anxiety in rats under stress. Deltorphins, another peptide found in Kambo, increased overall movement and social interactions, indicating a decrease in anxiety.
  3. Kambo for Pain Relief: Deltorphin and dermorphin, two opioid peptides found in Kambo, have shown promising effects in relieving pain, both acute and chronic, with minimal toxicity. Deltorphin acts on delta-opioid receptors, while dermorphin acts on mu-opioid receptors, making it a potential alternative to morphine.
  4. Kambo for Anticancer Properties: Dermaseptin B2, a peptide found in Kambo, has been shown to promote cell death and stop the growth of several human cancers, including mouth cancer, prostate cancer, and brain tumors. When delivered via nanoparticles, the anticancer effect of Dermaseptin B2 was strengthened.
  5. Kambo for Addiction: Phyllomedusin, a tachykinin found in Kambo, has the potential to treat addiction by affecting reward, motivation, and stress responses in the brain.
  6. Kambo for Lowering Blood Pressure: Kambo users commonly report a drop in blood pressure during the initial cleansing phase. Two peptides found in Kambo, phylloceruelean and a physalaemin-like peptide, have been shown to lower blood pressure.
  7. Kambo for Heart Health: Deltorphin II, a peptide from Kambo, increased blood flow to the heart and prevented irregular heartbeat, making it a potential treatment for heart attacks.
  8. Kambo for Antimicrobial Properties: Several peptides in Kambo, including adenoregulin, dermaseptins, dermaspetin, and phyllospetin-1, have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, fighting bacteria, yeast, fungus, and viruses, including biofilm infections.
Kambo has numerous potential health benefits, including purgatory cleansing, stress and anxiety relief, pain relief, anticancer properties, addiction treatment, blood pressure regulation, heart health protection, and antimicrobial properties. However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects and mechanisms of Kambo

At APL Shamanic Journeys we concentrate on the work with Ayahuasca in Europe, Mexico and Peru, still you can find plenty responsible Kamba providers in almost any country due to its legal status.

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