Our team introductions are an important first step in creating a welcoming and professional environment for participants. The goal is to share who we are, our roles, and offer personal guidance, while maintaining a clear boundary between professional and personal matters. After the introductions, we will engage participants, learn about their intentions, and observe how they interact in this new setting. All team members are encouraged to be attentive and contribute meaningfully throughout the process.
Boris will begin by introducing himself and opening the conversation. 👋 Following this, the entire team will introduce themselves one by one. The order of introductions is flexible, but everyone is required to speak.
We kindly ask the team to be prepared for this moment. Please take time to think about what you'd like to share about yourself. Write down your key points and reflect on any important aspects you want to communicate. 📝 Focus on the following during your introduction:
Who you are and your specialization.
Personal Guidance or well-wishes for the participants as they embark on their journey.
Please refrain from discussing any personal relationships or partnerships within the retreat team during the introduction. We aim to present ourselves as a professional organization rather than a family collective. This information can be shared informally later in the retreat if appropriate.
Onanya will be the last to introduce himself. After him finishes, Boris will provide additional information and formally close this part of the talk. 🔚 It’s important that no team members add anything further after this point. The last word should come from Sasha or Boris.
After the introductions, Boris will ask if the participants have any questions. If a question arises—either for the group or directed toward a specific team member—Boris will decide who will respond. 🗣️ If there are no questions, we will move on to the next phase of the discussion.
We will proceed to asking each participant about their intentions and any information they are comfortable sharing with the group. Encourage the team to pay attention to how each participant speaks and behaves in this unfamiliar environment—tone, body language, and the substance of their message are important.
Once all participants have shared, Boris will close this part of the discussion and give instructions for the next day. Participants can then head to rest. 🌙🛏️
If any participants approach team members with questions or concerns after the session, this is normal. If needed, please make a note of the inquiry and share the details in the Telegram group chat so the team remains informed.